俱乐部 & 组织

俱乐部 & 组织

在圣. Joseph's University, 纽约, our students have many opportunities to develop new and diverse interests at campus functions and social events.

Our Student Government Association (SGA) oversees all student activities, approves the annual budget, admits new organizations to the SGA and approves the constitutions of all clubs and committees under its jurisdiction. Members of the Diversity Union present cross-cultural music, dance performances and social events. You can help make the world a better place by volunteering with S.T.A.R.S. or take the stage and hone your acting skills with our Drama Club.

Regardless of your current interests — or future interests that you wish to cultivate — St. Joseph's will help you make connections that matter.

At orientation, new students are introduced to our variety of student clubs and organizations. You can indicate your interest in different clubs and will be invited to attend club meetings. A Club and Activities Fair is held early in the fall semester to introduce new students to our clubs. We also provide a smaller Club and Activities Fair in the spring semester to gain more interest and for promoting our clubs and organizations to transfer students. 另外, students can learn about club meetings and activities as they are posted on flat screen monitors located across campus, as well as through our events management system called SJNY Engage. The professional staff in our Office of Student Involvement, 领导 and Intercultural Engagement stand ready to answer any questions about student activities, how to become involved or how to propose/create a new club on campus.

俱乐部 and 组织

For more information, please contact:

Office of Student Involvement, 领导 and Intercultural Engagement
Student Center, 学生生活 Suite, Room 208
[email protected]

Student Government Association
Student Center, Student 领导 Suite, Room 230
[email protected]